Growth Strategy: Evolved
I had an idea to create a weekly recap of these posts, showing an overview of the blog's performance that week. Not just including quantitative metrics, but also qualitative data like how I felt writing that week and what my favorite post was.
The first weekly recap was posted on Twitter yesterday, and the reception was great.
In fact, that Tweet drove a ton of traffic here. From that Tweet alone (and in conjunction with yesterday's post), we're up to 103 total views. It was 68 two days ago.

In my 1K or Bust post, I said how my strategy for growth was going to evolve. These weekly recaps will definitely be a recurring thing for the growth benefits alone. It'll also be good to have a record of my progress.
And let me just say, having people actually consume what I'm producing feels so good. It's hard to convey how excited it makes me.
So, thank you for reading.